Sunday 26 December 2021


Words of Welcome and Introduction

Opening Prayers

Genesis 3: 8-15                      

God announces in the Garden of Eden that the seed of the

woman shall bruise the serpent's head

Genesis 22: 15-18             

God promises to faithful Abraham that in his seed

shall the nations of the earth be blessed    

Hymn 290      The race that long in darkness pined

Isaiah 9: 2, 6-7                                      

Christ's birth and kingdom are foretold by Isaiah

Micah 5: 2-4                                                                                                

Micah foretells the glory of little Bethlehem

Hymn 304       O Little town of Bethlehem

Luke 1: 26-38                          

The angel Gabriel salutes the virgin Mary

Hymn 286        Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord!         

Matthew 1: 18-23                       

Matthew tells of the birth of Jesus

Luke 2: 8-16                             

The shepherds go to the manger     

Hymn 313        See! in yonder manger low

John 1: 1-14   

John unfolds the great mystery of the incarnation

Prayers of Thanksgiving, Intercession and The Lord’s Prayer                           

Hymn 301         Hark! the herald angels sing    

Blessing and Choral Amen