Order of Worship Sunday 19 January 2020 Greenside


ORDER OF WORSHIP 19 January 2020 

Second Sunday after the Epiphany and Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Welcome and Call to Worship 

Hymn    477    Lo, he comes with clouds descending 

Prayers of Approach and Confession and Lord’s Prayer 

Church Family Talk 

Hymn 468       Son of God, eternal Saviour 

Scripture         1 Corinthians 1: 1-9

                        St John 1: 29-42 

Presentation of Tithes and Offerings 

Prayers of Dedication and Intercession 

Hymn 553(1)  Just as I am, without one plea 


Hymn 355      You, Lord, are both Lamb and Shepherd (Tune 439) 

Benediction and Choral Amen 

MINISTER : Suzie Stark