Order of Worship Sunday December 9 2018 Greenside


ORDER OF WORSHIP  9 December 2018

Second Sunday in Advent


Welcome and Call to Worship


Lighting of the Advent Candle


Hymn 315      Once In Royal David's City


Prayer of Invocation and Lord's Prayer


Church Family Talk


Hymn 325      Bethlehem, a Noble City


Scripture        Isaiah 11:1-10        (Page 696)

                      Matthew 3:1-12      (Page 967)


Presentation of Tithes and Offerings


Intercessory Prayers


Hymn 313      See! In Yonder Manger Low


Sermon         Ultimate Authority


Hymn 304      O LIttle Town of Bethlehem


Benediction and Choral Amen



MINISTER : The Rev Alistair T Wynne BA BD