Prayer for October 2014
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- Published on Saturday, 04 October 2014 08:46
Prayer for October
Our loving Heavenly Father, we bless and praise You for all Your wondrous goodness to us. We bless You for all Your generous gifts to us. As we approach Autumn, we see Your blessings all around us in the beautiful colours in the trees and hedgerows, and we thank You for the fruits of the harvest. Most of all we thank You for the greatest gift of all so freely given - the sacrifice of Your only Son, Jesus Christ on the cruel cross.
Grant us peace in our hearts, the peace that only You can give and we pray for peace in those parts of the world where none exists, and where Your Holy Name, the one true Name of Love, is unknown. We pray for the oppressed and for their oppressors. Transform their hearts and minds, so that in place of violence and killing there can be peace and reconcilliation. We hold before You any who are grievieng today for the loss of a loved one, grant them Your peace in their hearts.
We thank You for the Emergency Services, for medical staff - for all those who seek to alleviate physical and mental suffering.
We pray for ourselves. We know we fall short of Your standards for us. Forgive us we pray. Fill our hearts with Holy Spirit, and help us walk closer to Your way. May we be doers as well as listeners.
These and the many unknown prayers of our hearts, we ask in the name of Your dear Son, our Saviour Jesus Christ, whose we are and whom we serve.