
Order of Service Sunday June 22nd 2014 Greenside

Order of Service

Sunday June 22nd 2014

Welcomr and Call to Worship

Hymn 36 : God Is Our Refuge And Our Strength

Prayer of Invocation And Lord's Prayer

Family Talk

Hymn 185 : Come Children, Join And Sing

Scripture Readings : Psalm 46

                       : Mathew 7 : 21 - 29

Hymn 509 : Jesus Calls Us!

Presentation of Tithes and Offerings

Intercessory Prayers

Choir Anthem : With My Whole Heart I Will Praise You

Hymn 533 : Will You Come And Follow Me

Sermon : Wise Or Foolish?

Hymn 644 : O Jesus I Have Promised

Benediction And Choral Amen

Minister : The Rev Ian Y Gilmour

Order of Service Sunday June 15th 2014 Greenside

Order of Service

Sunday June 15th 2014

Welcome and Call to Worship

Hymn 162 : The God of Abraham Praise

Prayer of Invocation and Lord's Prayer

Family Talk

Hymn 532 : Lord You Have Come To The Seashore

Scripture Reading : Philippians 4 : 1 - 9 (page 1180)

Hymn 59 (1) : O Come And Let Us To The Lord

Presentation of Tithes and Offerings

Intercessory Prayers

Hymn 527 : Lord, Make Us Servants Of Your Peace

Sermon : Grace In Action

Hymn 461 : How Sweet The Name Of Jesus Sounds

Benediction and Choral Amen

Minister : The Rev. Alistair Wynne BA BD

Thought for June 2014

Thought for June 2014

"If Christ is indeed Lord, he must be Lord of life - in spiritual matters, of course, but just as much across the whole spectrum of life, including international matters and areas of culture, law and government."

Francis Schaeffer

Order of Service Sunday June 8th 2014 Greenside

Order of Service Sunday 8th June 2014

Pentecost Sunday

Welcome and Call to Worship

Hymn 739 : The Church's One Foundation

Prayer of Invocation and Lord's Prayer

Family Talk

Hymn 600 : Spitit of God

Scripture Reding : 1 Peter 2 : 4 - 12 (Pp 1218)

Hymn 582 : O Day of Joy and Wonder

Presentation of Tithes and Offerings

Intercessory Prayers

Hymn 97 : O God You Search me and Know Me

Sermon : The Blueprint From God

Hymn 741 : Glory Be To You, O God

Benediction and Choral Amen

Minister : The Rev. Alistair Wynne BA BD 

A Forward Vision And A Fresh Mission

May 2014 - A Forward Vission and a Fresh Mission

Like many churches across Scotland, the Greenside congregation lives in a period of challenge and change.  This is a situation which has faced Christ's church across the ages.  It is from such circumstances that we learn to adapt and to listen to God's call.  Where is He leading us?  How ready are we to take up the task which will develop His church in the Scotland of today and tomorrow?

We are grateful that we are strengthened in our responses by the gifts of spiritual leadership which come from our Interim Moderator, the Rev. Alistair Keil and also from our Locum Minister the Rev. Alistair Wynne.  We thank God for for the richness of their ministries in so many different ways.  This is a joy and an inspiration to every one of us and to those who share with us in worship.

The support and leadership provided by the Presbytery of Edinburgh has also been a strong influence in setting our mission for the future which encourages us to open our doors to fellow Christians representing other branches of the international church. This builds upon the vision of our previous minister, the Rev Andrew Anderson, whose interest in, and passion for, building contacts across the nations and branches of the church internationally, sowed the seeds which have been nourished during his ministry of 30 years until October, 2011.  For many of those years, Greenside has hosted a 'Christ for All Nations' Advent Service which includes participants from across the globe.

Building on these ecumenical relationships today, we are delighted to be sharing our sanctuary and halls with representatives of the Edinburgh Filipino Congregation in Communion with The International Charismatic Episcopal Church and also, The Russian Orthodox Church of Great Britain and Ireland.  The diversity of our different cultures brings a fresh experience to our shared faith in the risen Jesus Christ whose love for us all unites us in such a special way.

A further part of our mission to others is currently planned through a new project with the aim of reaching out to those who are part of the arts and entertainment scene within the city centre of Edinburgh.  Offering a welcome Christian Fellowship to visiting artists or anyone engaging with the world of entertainment who would welcome and appreciate contact with fellow Christians in the city.  This new project is in partnership with neighbouring churches in the city centre.