Order of Service Sunday October 18th 2015 Greenside
Greenside Parish Church
Order of Service
Harvest Sunday - October 18th, 2015
Welcome and Call to Worship
Hymn 233 : Come, Ye Servant People, Come
Prayer of Invocation and Lord's Prayer
Scripture Reading : John chapter 6 : 1 - 15 (page 1069)
Picnic On The Grass (1)
Hymn 229 : We Plough The Fields
Picnic On The Grass (2)
Hymn 238 : Lord Bring The Day To Pass
Choir : Praise The Lord
Presentation of Tithes and Offerings
Hymn 137 : All Things Bright And Beautiful
Harvest In The Heart
Intercessory Prayers
Hymn 259 : Beauty Fot Brokenness
Benediction and Choral Amen
Minister : The Rev Alistair Wynne BA BD
Street Pastors - The Church and The Community August 2014
The members of the congregation of Greenside are honoured to be associated with the hugely respected Street Pastors organisation which engages with people on the streets and in night time venues, listening and developing a dialogue whilst offering practical help.
At the weekend the Street Pastors, who are volunteers working in our local area, are able to use our church halls late in the evening and into the early morning as a base where they prepare themselves for their important task of showing that the church cares. Their evening's work follows prayers to God for His support for their service to those who are vulnerable and in need of stability in their lives.
This partnership, which also involves the local police, is a perfect opportunity for the church to be engaged with the delivery of positive action in our local community. Their success in establishing real credibility with those whom they are meeting and assisting is well recognised and we welcome the opportunity to play a small part in their ministry in our area.
"Sing a new song to the Lord"
Aims - to lead and develop worship in Greenside Parish Church Sunday by Sunday.
Membership - 3 Sopranos, 2 Contraltos, 3 Tenors, 1 Bass.
We sing from the Church Hymnary 4th edition.
We would like to add more voices to the choir, especially in the Contralto and Bass sections and would be glad to hear of anyone who would like to add their voice to the service of the choir. In addition to leading praise in Sunday morning worship we introduce new hymns to the congregation and sing anthems to celebrate special services and on other occasions during the year.
The members of the choir are very faithful and enthusiastic in using their musical talents. We are fortunate to have a choir in our church when so many other churches are struggling to maintain a music ministry or indeed have no choir to lead and serve the church.
Organist and Choir Leader - Muriel Aird
Assistant Organist - Stuart Campbell
Contact details - Muriel Aird by letter to the church or personally after the Morning Service or contact us.
The Church is administered by the Kirk Session, consisting of the minister and elders, and the Congregational Board, consisting of elders and other members of the congregation elected at the Annual General Meeting held in April.
Other congregations using our church building for worship are the Russian Orthodox Church and occasionally the Swedish Church.
In recognition of the many people of other faiths living in the parish and in the city of Edinburgh the church is also part of an outreach programme called Asian Concern.
Greenside is also a partner church in the Care Shelter scheme run by Bethany Christian Trust and the Edinburgh City Mission . The Care Shelter offers a hot meal and overnight accommodation for homeless people in Edinburgh in the winter months.
The congregation has representatives for the national charities Christian Aid and TearFund and organises regular fundraising events for them. A stall selling fairly traded goods also operates in the church hall after the Sunday morning service.
Church affiliated organisations include Beavers, Cubs and Scouts, Rainbows, Brownies and Guides
Our halls are regularly in use and Toppings & Co Booksellers continue to host a number of author events from the Church.
For details of meeting times of organisations and groups, or information about hiring the halls please contact us.
Girlguiding UK, as part of a worldwide movement, enables girls and young women to fulfil their potential and to take an active and responsible role in society through its distinctive, stimulating and enjoyable programme of activities delivered by trained volunteer leaders.
At Greenside we offer girls the chance to join:
Brownies (age 7 - 10)
What do Brownies do? Brownies have fun! They take part in indoor and outdoor activities that challenge them to do their best. Their meetings are action-packed and full of challenges, games and activities, usually ones that the Brownies have suggested themselves. For more information see the Brownies website at http://www.girlguiding.org.uk/brownies/.
Rainbows and Brownies leader: Ms Gillian Fraser
Girl Guides (age 10 - 14)
Girl Guides meet weekly at Greenside. We always welcome new members.
In the past we have worked towards Go-For-Its and the Cooks badge. We have also been Ice Skating at Murrayfield, along with other games, crafts and weekly activities.
We also go camping in the Summer and meet other Guides from Edinburgh and the UK.
Joanna, Francesca, Joanna & Shona
Unit Leaders
117th City of Edinburgh Guides