Following Jesus, making disciples
We are a Congregation united by a common faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, as our Saviour and Lord, and commissioned by Him to spread His Gospel by teaching and preaching, by personal example, and by offering Christian love and care to others in the Church, in our parish and beyond.
“... go ... make disciples ... baptise ... teach ..." Matthew 28.18-20
“Then Jesus came to them and said ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.’ ”
“...building up the body of Christ in faith and knowledge...” Ephesians 4.12,13
Like many churches across Scotland, the Greenside congregation lives in a period of challenge and change. This is a situation which has faced Christ's church across the ages. It is from such circumstances that we learn to adapt and listen to God's call. Where is He leading us? How ready are we to take up the task which will develop His church in the Scotland of today and tomorrow?
We are grateful that we are strengthened in our responses by the gifts of spiritual leadership which come from our former Interim Moderator, the Revd Alistair Keil: his successor, the Revd Ian Y Gilmour and currently Rev Suzie Stark together with our Locum Minister, the Revd Alistair Wynne. We thank God for the richness of their ministries in so many different ways. This is a joy and an inspiration to every one of us and to those who share with us in worship.
The support and leadership provided by the Presbytery of Edinburgh has also been a strong influence in setting our mission for the future which encourages us to open our doors to fellow Christians representing other branches of the international church. This builds upon the vision of our previous minister, the Revd Andrew Anderson, whose interest in and passion for building contacts across the nations and branches of the church internationally, sowed seeds which have been nourished during his ministry of 30 years until October, 2001. For many of these years, and since, Greenside has hosted a 'Christ for All Nations' Advent Service which includes participants from across the globe.
Building on this ecumenical relationship today, we are delighted to be sharing our sanctuary and halls with representatives of The Russion Orthodox Church of Great Britain and Ireland. The diversity of our different cultures brings a fresh experience to our shared faith in the risen Jesus Christ whose love for all unites us in such a special way.
A further part of our mission to others is currently being planned through a new project with the aim of reaching out to those who are part of the arts and entertainment scene within the city centre of Edinburgh. Offering a welcoming Christian Fellowship to visiting artists or anyone engaging with the world of entertainment, who would welcome contact with fellow Christians in the city. This new project is in partnership with neighbouring churches in the city centre.